Monday, October 28, 2013

Nineteenth Week in the Field

Hola Everyone! 

I can't believe how fast time is flying by!  I don't know where it went!

This week was full of so many miracles and faith promoting experiences. We had a huge miracle this week that resulted from a referral that a member of one of the Thousand Oaks wards gave to the other Hermanas in the branch. They gave it to us and when we went and visited them (Gloria and Tivursio) last week they wanted to know more. This week when we visited them, they committed to baptism for the end of November. They are so ready and already living a gospel and Christ-like life. They just need to come to church which may present a problem every so often because of the many health problems that she has. They both have such a desire to come closer to Christ though. They love it when we come over and meet with them. They feel really good and know what we're saying is true.

Another miracle that happened this week was that we were finally able to locate a less active member (Socorro). The branch was unsure of where her exact address was, but we were able to hunt her down. Apparently, she wants to come to church, but can't because she doesn't have a ride. She lives with some other people (we haven't established the relationship yet) who hopefully will be able to give her a ride if they become more interested. 

Linda, is still doing great, except the fact that she keeps not coming to church.  We think she still has that testimony of the gospel, but something's missing in her desire to attend church.  We have to push her baptism date back again.  Please pray for her so that she can still get baptized. 
Because we're no longer in the English ward anymore, we get to go to the Branch!!  The members, though there's only a few, are amazing!  They all have really strong testimonies of the gospel and want to do what's best for us to help continue the work along.  President Parra got really excited because (in his words) the branch now has a "private army" of missionaries to help it grow.  Working with the other Hermanas on a more regular basis is really great too.  We also got to see Pablo pass the sacrament!  It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen!  He even got to pass it to Hermana Faletau and I.  He's turning into quite a little jokester too.  After Sacrament Meeting he was trying to tell us that the Gospel Principles class was somewhere else, but then he got caught when the Elder's Quorum president told us where it was.  He just laughed and told us that he almost got us.  I love Pablo so much!  In Relief Society, Hermana Parra, (RS pres.)  got up, she told the Relief Society that our dinner calendars should be full even though there's really not that many of them and it's split between two sets now.  She continued to say that she might ask members in Moorpark 1st and 2nd Wards to help out.  YAY!  This means we'll probably get to see some of the members again even though we're still in the branch!  I'm so grateful, though, to be constantly working with the Hispanic population here. 

Although I do love it in the Branch, I do still miss the ward.  We live with Sister Appel and Sister Heslop in the apartment (no more apartment to ourselves), but they're super great!  It's hard sometimes listening to them plan and talk about the investigators that we used to meet with, but I know their in good hands.  The sisters are really sweet and caring.  We did find out this week, though, that Ezra probably doesn't want to be baptized now because we left the ward.  I pretty positive that he'll change his mind when he meets the sisters, but please keep him in your prayers.  He needs to be baptized!  He shouldn't have that mindset.  Apparently, the ward still misses us a lot as well (especially after I was there for three months), but they love the new sisters too.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be still here in Moorpark and serving the Lord!  Thanks for all the love and support that you all give me! 

Con Amor,
Hermana Halliday

PS:  Shout out to Mark and Jocelyn who had their baby (Paxton) and Gma and Gpa Hobbs on getting their mission call to the Phillipines!  CONGRATS!!  ALSO...  Big congratulations to Brittany who got into Utah State!

Brother Levine

 The Seguine Family

 Bishop and Sister Benton


Biffed it this week and scratched/bruised almost my entire leg and foot!

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