Hola Everyone!!
So....I'll just start out by telling everyone that I'M
STAYING!!!! This'll be five transfers here in the wonderful Moorpark!!
AND...I'm staying with Hermana Shepherd still! I get to be the first
companion that she's had for two transfers too!!
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be able to be here
another transfer. I feel like I've grown so much from the people here and the
experiences that I've had. I'm also so grateful for the chance that I have to
be with Hermana Shepherd again. She's taught me so much about patience and what
it means to be fully committed. This transfer, we're going to see so many
miracles here in Moorpark! I just know it!
This week wasn't really anything too spectacular, but at the
same time I feel like I've grown so much. I still don't feel well, but I can
tell that Heavenly Father is trying to help me get better and give me this
challenge to learn something at the same time. Earlier this week, my
grandparents (Hobbs') sent me the article from the January Ensign entitled
"Enduring Well." It was just what I needed this week. I was starting
to get really down on myself and discouraged that I couldn't be helping these
people here more and I could tell that my companion was practically going crazy
from being in the apartment for so long. I know that they were prompted by the
spirit to send me it. It talks a lot about when Joseph Smith was in Liberty
Jail and when he received the revelations in Doctrine and Covenants 121-123.
These are probably my favorite sections in the entire D&C so when I was
reading more about the meaning behind them, it comforted me so much. I know
that every trial we're given, whether it be big or small is there to help us
grow. I'm so grateful for trials and everything I've learned.
The only downer to it is that I still don't feel well and
that Hermana Shepherd has to stay in a lot because of me. I can tell that she's
struggling a little from having to stay inside. Fortunately, she's been able to
go out with Sister Heslop on occasion and Sister Moure last night. She has such
a strong desire to go out and work and serve the people here in Moorpark. She
still misses Santa Paula, but Moorpark is finally starting to grow on her. I
hope that this transfer, I'll be able to help her fall in love with it like I
have. I just feel bad because there's nothing I can do to help her get more
exposure to the people here until I get better.
Pablo is doing so great! He had the anniversary of his wife
dying this week, but other than that, he's doing so great! He was depressed a
little last week, but this week, he's been a lot happier. He has so much faith
and is such a strong example to the branch. I love him so much!!
We've been unable to have to much physical contact with our
investigators, but we've tried calling and texting them. Many of them aren't
answering us, but we're not going to give up! Hopefully, this week, I'll start
feeling better so that we can get out and see them.
So, Sister Castro told me to go to urgent care yesterday
because the headaches were still really bad. The doctor told me that I
just had bad tension headaches. He prescribed me to take extra strength
Ibuprofen and Tylenol switched back and forth. He also told me to message
my neck at night and wear better shoes instead of my flats. It's weird
though because I don't do enough walking in my flats to have caused these
headaches. I just hope that everything will clear up and I can get back
to work soon. I'm going crazy staying in the apartment. It helps though,
that Sister Anderson is sick too, so we have each other! We've had quite
a few adventures while our companions have been out on exchanges. I
absolutely love her and she cracks me up!
District Meeting this week was really good as well. I
ended up giving the talk on what it means to be a successful missionary.
I had a feeling that I was going to give it too. It went really
well! As I was talking about it, it was a reminder to me of everything
that I've learned while out on the mission thus far.
Yesterday, at church, Hermana Shepherd and I didn't end up
singing because our branch president forgot. At first we/I was really
bummed (my companion was excited), but now that we're going to stay together,
it'll happened at some point this transfer!! I'm pumped!!
Thanks for all the love and support from everyone!
Hopefully, I'll have more to say this coming week cuz we'll be out and
about! Love you all!!
Con amor,
Hermana Halliday
More of me being sick.
More sickness in our area...
My Companion, Hermana Shepherd
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